Hazelnut nutritional value

Nutrient Powerhouse:

Hazelnuts are a nutrition-packed gem, boasting a remarkable blend of healthy fats, protein, and essential vitamins.

Heart's satisfactory pal:

These nuts are wealthy in unsaturated fats which could sell heart fitness by way of reducing terrible cholesterol levels.

Nutrition E Bonanza:

Hazelnuts are an amazing supply of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that supports pores and skin fitness and boosts the immune system.

Rare supply of Folate:

Folate, important for cellular division and DNA synthesis, is observed in hazelnuts, making them a treasured addition to a balanced eating regimen.

Rare supply of Folate:

Folate, important for cellular division and DNA synthesis, is observed in hazelnuts, making them a treasured addition to a balanced eating regimen.

Energy Dynamo:

Packed with fiber and healthy fats, hazelnuts provide sustained energy, making them an excellent snack for active individuals.

Blood Sugar pal:

Particularly, hazelnuts have a low glycemic index, supporting regulating blood sugar levels and making them a clever desire for diabetics.

Blood Sugar pal:

Particularly, hazelnuts have a low glycemic index, supporting regulating blood sugar levels and making them a clever desire for diabetics.

Antioxidant Wonderland:

The antioxidants in hazelnuts fight oxidative strain, reducing the danger of chronic diseases and selling the usual nicely-being.

Glowing skin mystery:

The combination of vitamins and healthful fats in hazelnuts can decorate pores and skin health, promoting a natural glow and decreasing signs and symptoms of getting old.